Our Company

Gangour Group is a pioneer in the field of alternative energy and fuel through its production units. We are working on its strategy from the year 2021 onwards and that's why we are known as leading biofuel manufacturing unit in India.

Getting tied up Under the first phase of its strategy by Gangour Group, through 50 companies, its alternative energy in 5 states and setting up fuel production units. C NG, PNG, bio-fertilized ethanol, green hydrogen, and other agro-based production units are the main ones. Similarly, setting up 10 production units in each district of all the states in its further stages, and aims to produce 20% of alternative energy demand fuel.

Our Vision

We will work on all those alternative sources of energy and fuel which will prove helpful in making India self-sufficient in the field of energy and fuel

Our mission

Gangour Group aims to meet a total of 20% of India's Green Energy and fuel demand by 2030

Our Project

Our vision encompasses establishing production units in every district, accomplished in collaboration with ten dedicated business partners. These partners will be instrumental in securing suitable land for our production facilities. Additionally, our executive partners will serve as valuable assistants in efficiently managing the day-to-day operations of these production units.

Moreover, we are committed to building a robust supply chain network by engaging with local residents and entrepreneurs within each district, ensuring seamless operations and fostering local economic growth.

Project Specification

The outline of the operation project was determined in such a way, in which the responsibilities of project construction, technical route, and supply have been separated. The distribution of responsibilities was done in such a way that if one responsibility gets interrupted, the entire chain continues to run smoothly.

Evolving Strategies for Sustainable Energy Leadership

In 2021, Gangour Group embarked on a visionary journey to redefine the energy landscape, catalyzing India's transition towards a sustainable and eco-friendly future. Our multi-faceted strategy encompasses an array of initiatives that spotlight our commitment to alternative energy solutions.

At the heart of this transformation lies our state-of-the-art biofuel manufacturing unit and our venture into biodiesel production. These initiatives underscore our dedication to biofuels, clean natural gas (CNG), and other green fuel technologies, providing eco-conscious alternatives for industries and consumers alike.

Moreover, as prominent green hydrogen producers in India, we're pioneering the shift away from fossil fuels, harnessing the potential of renewable resources to create a cleaner, greener energy source.

But our mission extends beyond technology and innovation. Gangour Group is committed to raising public awareness about sustainable energy and adopting circular economy practices that minimize waste and maximize resource efficiency. Our commitment to environmental responsibility and community engagement is unwavering.

As we navigate this transformative journey, Gangour Group is not merely reimagining the future of energy; we are actively creating it. Together, we are driving the world towards a greener, more eco-friendly tomorrow, where sustainable energy leadership paves the way for a brighter future for all.